ASTHMA in New Zealand


Why does New Zealand have a higher rate of asthma relative to airborne pollution in comparison with other countries?

Asthma & allergies in New Zealand

Chronic asthma occurs due to a hyper response of our airways to a stimulus, such as environmental allergens or antigens (not necessarily only pollution-related). This response leads to airway constriction (narrowing) from the contraction of the smooth muscle in our lung bronchioles. Symptoms include cough, wheezing, shortness of breath and tightness of the chest.

Some stimuli that can trigger an asthmatic response can include some chemicals, microbial organisms (bacteria, viruses, mold, mites) and humidity. Although it is unlikely that humidity per se would cause an asthmatic response, it would likely provide the ideal conditions for mold and other microbes to grow in. Once inside the body, microbial allergens are able to continue reproducing, if not managed appropriately.

Until very recently, many New Zealand homes (and still some until the present) were well known for their lack of appropriate living conditions (e.g. lack of complete insulation, central heating, DVS, or double glazing; leaky homes) considering the humid and cold weather conditions of our country. Cleanliness is also key for maintaining exposure to allergens as low as possible (e.g. pillows, sheets, covers, mattresses, window dew and mold), as well as appropriate house ventilation. Repeat exposure to allergenic stimuli may end up in a continuous activation of Th2 immune cells, which produce inflammatory cytokines, triggering a chronic response for repair and wound healing. In chronic cases, other physiological changes may also occur such as lung oedema (fluid retention) of the interstitial cells. 

Conventional treatment of asthma symptoms may involve the use of beta2-adrenergic agonists or bronchodilators. However, if the true causes of asthma are not addressed, this becomes like attempting to heal a haemorrhage with a plaster. One way to address causes is to investigate our internal and external environments to ensure that they are free of allergenic stimuli, or at least significantly reduce our exposure to them.

Medical ozone is known to be able to deal with, at least, 114 diseases. Ozone's additional oxygen atom oxidises bacteria, viruses, fungi, toxins and other microbes. At NatuneHeal, the CE certified Ozone Generator used is a leading model with cutting-edge quartz and titanium tube technology. It produces medical grade ozone for your benefit. Ozone is passed through olive oil to generate ozonides, which retain ozone's beneficial properties without irritating the lung's epithelium. The ozonides are delivered nasally to neutralize microbes and toxins, and increase oxygenation. This protocol can be used for chronic respiratory syndromes (e.g. asthma, bronchitis, lung cancer).

If you have been battling with respiratory issues or other chronic conditions for > 3 months, why not book an initial consultation with us to learn more about how to better manage your health?   
To find out more about Ozonide therapy, CLICK HERE.